Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Social Media Utilization Training in Public Education

BATAM, Wednesday (15/5/2019) – Staffs and students of Indonesia Open University (UT) Batam attended training in writing news, photo, and digital marketing through social media in public education with Raden Yusuf Hidayat, S.Ikom and Davis Asta Sithoresmy as speakers in office UT Batam.
This training held for two days, Wednesday (15/5) and Thursday (16/5). In the first day the speakers gave staffs and students the theory and the next day was the practice.
Director of UT Batam Eliaki Gulo, SE., MM. said that the aims of this activity is to use social media optimally by staffs and students. “With this training, I expected that every staffs and students will have journalist writing skills and memorable photographer techniques," he said while opening this activity. 
Both the staffs or the students listened carefully the lesson that given with full of enthusiasm. Yusuf as Deputy Editor in Chief of Batam Pos gave the lessons about how to write a news like a journalist, how to take a picture with perfect angle and meaningful, so the photo that taken has thousand of meanings. In Yusuf sides, a photographer must have four basic techniques such as understanding the composition of picture, the sharp space, lighting and focus. "A photographer must understand that four techniques," he said. 
One of the student, Muhammad Ilallah, asked a question about how to choose the right news' title so the news will become interested to read. "Besides of the title, how to choose an interesting theme?" Hilal asked.
Yusuf explained that to choosing the title is the hardest part because the journalist have to understand perfectly the main news that will be published. "Sometimes an editor have to thought for a long time to decide the title because the title must be describing the whole news' content" he said.
Differently with lessons that given by Davis as a reporter of Batam Pos Zetizen. A woman that wore hijab told staffs and students about the technique of making videos, which included shooting extreme close up, big close up, close up, medium cLose up, medium shot, full shot, long shoot, zoom, etc. 
Hilal who was enthusiastic also asked about how to make animation news. "How to make digital content with 3D and 2D?" With straightforward and fast, Davis explained the process of editing animation both 2D and 3D used certain applications and techniques. "To make 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional animations required some different applications," Davis explained.

This training ended up with practice to make news and digital content for social media UT Batam. 
Citra, one of second semester student in Communication Science Faculty of Law, Social Sciences, and Political Sciences in second semester, expressed that during this training she gained many new knowledge, especially in how to compile sentences and how to choose vocabulary to making news. "I'm glad and finally understand how to make interested news to read," she said.  (fabri)

Translated from http://batam.ut.ac.id/node/13

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